Home school preschool this week was all about Spring!
I am so glad we are finally here!
I hate winter and even though it's still a little cold I am so excited that there is no more snow!
We read these books
We painted a coffee filter and made a butterfly using a clothes pin and googly eyes.

worked on her numbers with eggs in a nest. the ruler was to help her identify a number. I am trying to get her to be more independent in finding the answers herself.
we made a puzzle of the parts of a flower
Thursday was had plans to go the zoo but it rained :(
Friday we got in our flower garden and planted some seeds and bulbs.
she finished up her alphabet work book with the letter Zz
next week we will start flash cards. she really only knows about half of the letters by heart so from here on out I will be really trying to work with her on identifying letters better.
then we worked in her math workbook on shapes. she's great at them but I just wanted to boost her confidence.
I was pretty bummed that we didn't get to go to the zoo so my husband said we will just do a family day this weekend and go together! that sounds better anyways :)